Local Outreach

Let's do something together

There are many ways to reach out to others in need.

We hope one or more of the FPC Monterey outreach partners and projects below will capture your imagination and help you serve God by serving others.


Church to Church

St. Mary's Food Pantry
  • We collect non-perishable food items.
  • We buy $200 worth of high protein items each month.
  • We deliver goods & volunteer at the pantry.

Dorothy’s Kitchen (Salinas)

  • We make about 350 sandwiches on the 3rd Sunday of each month for the food ministry of Dorothy’s Place homeless shelter and drop-in center.
  • We deliver the sandwiches immediately afterwards.

Food Bank for Monterey County

  • We financially support the Food Bank, which is the largest supplier of emergency food in the county.
  • The Food Bank provides produce and non-
    perishable items to St. Mary’s Pantry.


Overnight lodging for unhoused men and women

In partership with other local churches, we host our unhoused brothers and sisters several days of the month.

  • We cook, serve and eat with our guests as we have for the past 30 years.
  • We are active in I-HELP leadership, fundraising, and advocacy as a flagship congregation yearly pledging significant financial support.

Gathering for Women

A day center for women seeking support
  • Where homeless women can get a hot meal, free clothing, showers, and limited emergency assistance 5 days a week.
  • Where health, mental health, and other service providers can connect with homeless women to offer them help.
  • Where housing providers can connect, screen, and placewomen into permanent housing.
  • Volunteers from our church assist in various areas of this center.
  • We provide financial assistance on an annual basis, as well as support with gas cards etc. during an annual fundraiser at church.



Joining Hands Benefit Shop

Retail arm of Interfaith Outreach of Carmel, IOC
  • We donate items, shop, and work in the store; the money raised in the shop is distributed in grants by the IOC which funds programs to keep people in their homes and prevent homelessness.

Salvation Army

  • We financially support their Emergency Housing
    Assistance program.
  • We financially support their Transitional Housing program which provides temporary housing for families in the Monterey Bay Area.